How to debug an Android WebRatio app Read this article and get points!

by Ombretta Malinverno
15,116 views Published on Apr 23, 2018
Applies to: 8.0 or higher

The WebRatio Mobile Platform lets you build Android and iOS apps that you can test on your mobile device or submit to the Google Play Store or Apple App Store. It is also possible to debug the mobile application to find and solve any issues that may arise during development. This article guides you...

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How to debug an iOS WebRatio app Read this article and get points!

by Ombretta Malinverno
20,342 views Published on Nov 27, 2017
Applies to: 8.0 or higher

WebRatio Mobile Platform lets you build Android and iOS apps that you can test on your mobile device or submit to the Google Play Store or Apple App Store. It is also possible to debug the mobile application to find and solve any issue that may come out during the development. RemoteDebug iOS WebKit...

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Analyze Error Logs

Generate, Deploy & Test with WebRatio Platform
353 views Published on Jun 06, 2014 | Time 30 min
Applies to: 7.2 or higher

When you are testing a feature of your Web application, you may face some problems that prevent the feature from working properly. Using the "Application Logs" is the best way to understand what’s going on, find out the root cause of the undesired behavior and eventually understand which part of the...


How to Use Generation Commands Read this article and get points!

by Ombretta Malinverno
8,943 views Published on Dec 04, 2013
Applies to: All versions

To get the Web Application from your Web Project, you have to generate it. When a project is generated, the Application Server loads the corresponding Web Application. WebRatio uses Apache Tomcat as the default Application Server Apache. Tomcat implements the JavaServer Pages (JSP) and Sun Microsys...

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Using Visual Debug

Generate, Deploy & Test with WebRatio Platform
429 views Published on May 22, 2014 | Time 28 min
Applies to: 7.2 or higher

Debugging is a fundamental tool for developing a reliable Web application. In the standard debugging approach, every time a problem arises or whenever you want to investigate the behavior of your application, you can easily debug it by placing breakpoints in your lines of code. Debugging with WebRa...


How to Deploy a Web Application on Different Environments Read this article and get points!

by Ombretta Malinverno
18,812 views Published on Apr 01, 2015
Applies to: 7.2 or higher

The deploy process of a Web application is the final step of the application development. In a structured company, the Web application must pass different tests before going to production. Usually companies have several different environments where the Web application must be deployed and tested. ...

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Avoiding Persistent Tomcat Sessions Read this article and get points!

by Michela Frigerio
8,089 views Published on Oct 24, 2011
Applies to: All versions

In Apache Tomcat, the Manager element represents the session manager that will be used to create and maintain HTTP sessions as requested by the associated Web Application. Read this article to know how to disable the Persistent Session Management in any Tomcat installation.

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How to Perform a Remote Deploy Read this article and get points!

by Michela Frigerio
9,634 views Published on Oct 24, 2011
Applies to: All versions

Let's suppose that you want to deploy your project directly on the remote host that will contain the Web Application. You have to configure the Deploy Configuration that allows you to obtain the final Web Application package in order to be able also to upload the package on the remote host. This art...

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Deployment Configurations and Cloud Deploy Read this article and get points!

by Mario Bruno
12,198 views Published on Jan 21, 2013
Applies to: 7.0 or higher

The deploy functionality is related to the process of installing your Web Application on a local/remote machine, or even in the cloud. Deployment is configured in WebRatio through the Deploy Configurations dialog which allows you to specify all the deploy settings (e.g. the application to dep...

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How to set application's properties Read this article and get points!

by Michela Frigerio
1,620 views Published on Feb 16, 2023
Applies to: 9.0 or higher

The use of static values is often required when designing an application. Static values may depend on the application’s deployment environment. You can set these static values in a dedicated *.properties file, which is loaded at the application startup. This file contains a list of key-value pairs. ...

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How to optimize the app performances Read this article and get points!

by Michela Frigerio
904 views Published on Feb 16, 2023
Applies to: 9.0 or higher

How to optimize the app performancesWhen deploying an application is important to apply all known best practice to get the best performance possible. WebRatio Platform simplifies this task generating a release artifact that is optimized for production. However there are some best practice related to...

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The Page Computation

18 views Published on Nov 29, 2013
Applies to: All versions

Page computation is the process by which new up-to-date information is computed on the server after a user action. The computed information is then used for rendering all, or part, of the client page or just a part of it. Know how the page computation works is useful when you model a page that is ...


How to Build WebRatio Mobile Projects in a Continuous Integration Environment Read this article and get points!

by Lucio Bordonaro
8,730 views Published on Jun 10, 2015
Applies to: 8.0 or higher

WebRatio Mobile Platform gives you the possibility of making continuous builds of your Mobile Projects. This can be very useful to schedule builds on a dedicated server and for instance get a new build every night. This process requires to create an Ant file that describes the result of the build o...

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How to Build WebRatio Mobile Projects in Jenkins Read this article and get points!

by Lucio Bordonaro
7,804 views Published on Sep 02, 2015
Applies to: 8.0 or higher

WebRatio Mobile Platform gives you the possibility of making continuous builds of your Mobile Projects using predefined buildfiles bundled in WebRatio installation. This possibility can be integrated in continuous integration environments like Jenkins. This tutorial guides you through the setup and...

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How to Build WebRatio Mobile Projects in a Continuous Integration Environment (Video)

How to Build WebRatio Mobile Projects in a Continuous Integration Environment (Video)

52 views Published on Apr 12, 2017 | Time 5 min
Applies to: 8.0 or higher

WebRatio Mobile Platform gives you the possibility of making continuous builds of your Mobile Projects using predefined buildfiles bundled in WebRatio installation. This possibility can be integrated in continuous integration environments like Jenkins. This video guides you through the setup and co...

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