How to Define a Frame Layout Read this article and get points!

by Ombretta Malinverno
12,413 views Published on Apr 09, 2015
Applies to: 7.2 or higher

WebRatio Platform lets you define graphic containers for content shown to the user. These containers can be reused for many projects and applied to different type of content. This is possible thanks to the ability to create a dedicated resource containing the graphic container code. This resource is...

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Getting started with the Excel Style Read this article and get points!

by Michela Frigerio
13,698 views Published on Oct 24, 2011
Applies to: All versions

The Excel Style is a predefined style available in WebRatio Platform. This style allows to export the content of a modeled page in an Excel spreadsheet file. The generation process creates a JSP page containing XML code that is processed by a custom tag that invokes the Apache POI engine to render t...

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Getting started with the Cell Templates Read this article and get points!

by Lucio Bordonaro
11,279 views Published on Oct 24, 2011
Applies to: 7.2 or higher

Showing more than one component as a single one is a very common need that may occur while creating the style of a WebRatio Web application. The first option to achieve this is to use the customization available from the Layout View of the specific page, which offers a wide set of criteria to pla...

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How to print Variables and Context Parameters in templates Read this article and get points!

by Alberto Molinaroli
10,765 views Published on Oct 24, 2011
Applies to: All versions

WebRatio allows the user to define Context Parameters and to add Variables, these model elements are used to accomplish different tasks. Context Parameters are strictly related to session storage, as they save information in the sessionContext and make their content available for all the JSP sessio...

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How to print numeric attributes with custom separator symbols Read this article and get points!

by Laura Cigardi
5,696 views Published on Oct 24, 2011
Applies to: All versions

Working with templates allows you to make customization with number patterns. Suppose that you do not want to use the separator symbols for numbers according to the current locale, but you want to use custom character (unusual for separators). You just have to create a custom attribute template that...

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Handling BLOBs Read this article and get points!

by Michela Frigerio
10,907 views Published on Oct 24, 2011
Applies to: All versions

In the Domain Model you can define BLOB attributes to store files. This type of attribute is objectified using an instance of a particular object implementing the RTXBLOBData Interface. This type of object gives access to some properties such as the name, lenght and extension of the wrapped BLOB....

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