Defining the Domain Model

Domain Modeling with WebRatio Mobile Platform
678 views Published on Feb 13, 2015 | Time 4 min
Applies to: 8.0 or higher

In a mobile application you need to define which are the information managed by the application and their structure. The Domain Model is the data representation used by the WebRatio Platform consisting of three main elements: Class, Attribute and Association. In this lesson you learn how to define...


Domain Model Overview

Domain Modeling with WebRatio Platform
1,362 views Published on Nov 29, 2013 | Time 8 min
Applies to: 7.2 or higher

This is the first lesson that explains the Domain Model in WebRatio Platform. In this lesson, we introduce the main concepts related to the Domain Model, including a deep analysis of the notation adopted - Entity Relationship (E-R). The following lessons show some detailed content and will explain ...


Defining the Domain Model

Domain Modeling with WebRatio Platform
1,802 views Published on Feb 04, 2014 | Time 15 min
Applies to: 7.2 or higher

In the lesson dedicated to the Domain Model Overview, you learned about the Entity-Relationship model and its main concepts: Entity, Attribute and Relationship. The representation of the Domain Model in WebRatio Platform is quite similar to the Entity-Relationship notation ad it is based on the sam...


Extending the Domain Model: Derivation

Domain Modeling with WebRatio Platform
1,481 views Published on Mar 13, 2014 | Time 28 min
Applies to: 7.2 or higher

Learn how to enrich the Domain Model with calculated information, derived from the materialized data existing in the Domain Model itself. This process is called "derivation", since it creates redundant information that can become handy when defining IFML models. Derivation can be applied by using va...


How to choose the primary key ID Generator Read this article and get points!

by Ombretta Malinverno
14,285 views Published on Oct 24, 2011
Applies to: All versions

Modeling the domain information managed by the Web Application is a task that can be easily done with WebRatio. In fact, you have at your disposal many options that allow you to easily create the Domain Model starting from an existing database. Nevertheless you may need to manually add some new obje...

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