How can I configure runtime properties (e.g. upload directory)?

by Alberto Molinaroli
7,237 views Published on Oct 24, 2011
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WebRatio provides some properties that define the information regarding the runtime of your web application. file is the properties file where you can configure your preferences. The file contains information that control your work directory where the application is deployed, the upload directory where the uploaded files are stored, the log directory where the log files are stored and the report directory where the report templates are stored.

To modify the default information open the file that you can find in <outputPath>/WEB-INF/conf/ The <outputPath> is the path you have specified in your Project and where the application is deployed. The output path is used to store the page templates built by the WebRatio code generator and the auxiliary XML files used by the WebRatio runtime services to execute the application.

The file lists two predefined properties:

  • redeployCheckInterval: The interval in millis of periodically check of the re-deploy directory. The set value is 5000.
  • redeployDirectory: Sets the directory of the descriptors files to be redeployed. The default value is WEB-INF/descr.

The runtime properties you can set are:

  • workDirectory: Sets the path to the application work directory. If not specified, the default value is the absolute path to the sub-directory of the well-known JSP directory named webapps, where the application is deployed. For instance, it is the <webapps_loc> variable value you set as preference of your project. In case of WAR deploy, it is recommended to set this porperty.

where <webapps_loc> is the path to your web application deployment directory.

  • logDirectory: Sets the directory designed to store log files. If not specified, the default value is WEB-INF/log path. If the property logDirectoryIsAbsolute is true, the value of this property must be a valid absolute path.
  • logDirectoryIsAbsolute: Specifies if the "logDirectory" value must be an absolute path. If not specified, the default value is false.
  • uploadDirectory: Sets the directory designed to store uploaded files. If not specified, the default value is upload path. If the property uploadDirectoryIsAbsolute is true, the value of this property must be a valid absolute path.
  • uploadDirectoryIsAbsolute: Specifies if the "uploadDirectory" value must be an absolute path. If not specified, the default value is false.
  • reportDirectory: Sets the absolute directory designed to store the report templates used by the WebRatio extensions for reports generation. If not specified, the default value is the sub-directory WEB-INF/descr of the work directory.

where <webapps_loc> is the path to your web application deployment directory.