- Add a Page to the Web Model, named "Job Administration Page"
- Add an Entry Unit to the page and name it "Schedule Job". To understand which are the fields necessary to the user in order to be able to Schedule a Job, you need to know how the Schedule Job Unit works. The available cases are reported in the table on the right. Considering these cases, let's add Fields to the Entry Unit.
- Add six Selection Fields ("When" - in which there's the list of all the schedule policy options - "Year","DayInt","Hour","Minutes","Seconds"). Add a Slot both label and output to each field. Add the two last Selection Fields "Day" and "Month".
- Add three Fields ("Every X Seconds","Every X Hours","In/Every X Minutes") of "Integer" type.
- Add a Script Unit to the page and name it "Prepare Form". This Script Unit prepares the options for all the selection fields of the Schedule Job form. In order to extract some information such as the day names, the month lists and the years, it uses the Calendar class taking also into consideration the current locale used by the user in order to view the page. For the other information, just build a list with the correct range of numbers. This is the sample code
#output int[] calendarDaysInt, String[] calendarDaysValues, int calendarYears
#output String[] calendarMonths, int[] calendarSeconds, int[] calendarMonthsInt
#output String[] calendarDays, int[] calendarHours, int[] calendarMinutes
#output String[] schedulePolicy
import java.text.DateFormatSymbols
import java.util.Locale
import java.util.Calendar
import com.webratio.rtx.RTXLocalizationService
import com.webratio.rtx.RTXConstants
def userPreferredLocales = localContext
RTXLocalizationService i18nService = rtx.getLocalizationService()
Locale currentLocale = i18nService
localContext, sessionContext)
DateFormatSymbols symbols = new DateFormatSymbols(currentLocale)
Calendar currentDate = Calendar.getInstance(currentLocale)
def schedulePolicy = ["Now","In X Minutes","Every Day","Once a Week",
"Once a Month","Once a Year","Specific Date","Every X Seconds",
"Every X Minutes","Every X Hours"]
def currentYear = currentDate.get(Calendar.YEAR)
def calendarMonths = symbols.getMonths().findAll{it != ""}
def calendarMonthsInt = 1..12 as List
def calendarDays = symbols.getWeekdays().findAll{it != ""}
def calendarDaysValues = symbols.getShortWeekdays()
.findAll{it != ""}.collect{it.toUpperCase()}
def calendarYears = currentYear..(currentYear+10) as List
def calendarHours = 0..23 as List
def calendarMinutes = 0..59 as List
def calendarSeconds = 0..59 as List
def calendarDaysInt = 1..31 as List
return ["calendarDaysInt": calendarDaysInt,
"calendarDaysValues": calendarDaysValues,
"calendarYears": calendarYears,
"calendarMonths": calendarMonths,
"calendarSeconds": calendarSeconds,
"calendarMonthsInt": calendarMonthsInt,
"calendarDays": calendarDays,
"calendarHours": calendarHours,
"calendarMinutes": calendarMinutes,
"schedulePolicy": schedulePolicy]
- Connect the Script Unit and the Entry Unit with a transport link and make the coupling just like the figure on the right.
- Add a Variable named "schedulePolicy" to the page so that you can show to the user different fields, depending on the Schedule Policy choice. In the Properties View choose "String" for the Variable type, choose the Schedule Job Entry Unit for the Unit property and choose the "When" field for the Parameter property.
- Add a Schedule Job Unit outside the page. In the Properties View, choose "Custom Cron Expression" for the Schedule Policy, then choose a modeled Job. Note that the Administration page allows you to manage the scheduling of one job. If you want to manage different jobs, you have to add an additional Field in the Entry Unit which contains the Job list, and then use a set of Schedule Job Unit, with a Switch Unit preceding them, and choosing wich one of them should be processed.
- Add a Script Unit outside the page. This unit builds the correct cron expression for each schedule policy chosen by the user and passes it to the Schedule Job Unit. The Groovy script just consider the schedule policy and uses a subset of the input parameter in order to build the cron expression. This is the sample code.
#input String schedulePolicy, int hours, int minutes, int seconds, String day
#input int month, int year, int inMinutes, int dayInt, int inSeconds, int inHour
def cronExpression
cronExpression = "NOW"
} else if ("Every X Seconds".equals(schedulePolicy)) {
cronExpression = "0/" + inSeconds + " * * * * ?";
}else if ("Every Day".equals(schedulePolicy)) {
cronExpression = seconds + ' ' + minutes + ' ' + hours + " * * ?"
}else if ("In X Minutes".equals(schedulePolicy)) {
cronExpression = "IN_" + inMinutes;
} else if ("Every X Minutes".equals(schedulePolicy)) {
cronExpression = "0 0/" + inMinutes + " * * * ?";
} else if ("Every X Hours".equals(schedulePolicy)) {
cronExpression = "0 0 0/" + inHours + " * * ?";
} else if ("Once a Week".equals(schedulePolicy)) {
cronExpression = "" + seconds + ' ' + minutes + ' ' +
hours + " ? * " + day;
} else if ("Once a Month".equals(schedulePolicy)) {
cronExpression = "" + seconds + ' ' + minutes + ' ' +
hours + ' ' + dayInt + " * ?";
} else if ("Once a Year".equals(schedulePolicy) && month > 0) {
cronExpression = "" + seconds + ' ' + minutes + ' ' +
hours + ' ' + day + ' ' + month + " ?";
} else if ("Specific Date".equals(schedulePolicy) && month > 0) {
cronExpression = "" + seconds + ' ' + minutes + ' ' +
hours + ' ' + day + ' ' + month + " ? " + year;
} else {
cronExpression = null;
return cronExpression
- Connect the Entry Unit and the Script Unit with a normal link named "Schedule" and make the coupling just as shown in the following figure.
- Connect the Script Unit and the Schedule Job Unit with an OK link and couple the "result" output parameter of the Script Unit with the "Cron Expression" input of the Schedult Job Unit.
- Connect the Schedule Job Unit to the Page with an OK link
The result model should look like the following figure: