How to dinamically create URLs Read this article and get points!

by Laura Cigardi
11,362 views Published on Oct 24, 2011
Applies to: 6.1.1 or higher

In WebRatio it's possible to create URLs dinamically using a Script Utility Component. Learn how to do it reading this article.

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Computer Repair BPM Tutorial Read this article and get points!

by Mario Bruno
10,404 views Published on Sep 03, 2012
Applies to: All versions

This article explains step by step how to create the business process model of the "Computer Repair" process. You will see a brief explanation about the process proposed and then the procedure to create the process model in WebRatio using the BPM perspective.

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Data Management: Action Definition

Modeling Actions with WebRatio Platform
1,648 views Published on Apr 04, 2014 | Time 24 min
Applies to: 7.2 or higher

In a Web application, you often need to manage information that is shown to the user. Managing the information means to create, update, or delete information. With WebRatio Platform you can easily model an administration section so that the Web Application user can manage the application data. In t...


Access Control & Personalization: Action Definition

Modeling Actions with WebRatio Platform
229 views Published on May 02, 2014 | Time 20 min
Applies to: 7.2 or higher

When you are working on a new Web application there is a set of common requirements that you are going to implement many times. In IFML lessons you learned how to model several commonly recurring requirements focused on the user interaction.  Recurring requirements comprehend  how to publish and ma...


Using Visual Debug

Generate, Deploy & Test with WebRatio Platform
429 views Published on May 22, 2014 | Time 28 min
Applies to: 7.2 or higher

Debugging is a fundamental tool for developing a reliable Web application. In the standard debugging approach, every time a problem arises or whenever you want to investigate the behavior of your application, you can easily debug it by placing breakpoints in your lines of code. Debugging with WebRa...


Looping & Branching

Modeling Actions with WebRatio Platform
1,869 views Published on Aug 08, 2014 | Time 25 min
Applies to: 7.2 or higher

When you are working on a Web application you have to consider both the user interaction and the application behavior executed when the user triggers an action. The application behavior can be any kind of business logic you may need to express.  WebRatio Platform provides you with a set of componen...


Advanced Master & Detail

IFML Modeling with WebRatio Platform
903 views Published on Oct 06, 2014 | Time 18 min
Applies to: 7.2 or higher

The ability to show a list of elements and the details of each listed element is the one of the most common patterns in Web applications, and is called the Master and Details pattern. In a previous lesson, you already learned how to model the basic Master and Details pattern. This lesson shows y...


Getting started with the Cell Templates Read this article and get points!

by Lucio Bordonaro
11,279 views Published on Oct 24, 2011
Applies to: 7.2 or higher

Showing more than one component as a single one is a very common need that may occur while creating the style of a WebRatio Web application. The first option to achieve this is to use the customization available from the Layout View of the specific page, which offers a wide set of criteria to pla...

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How can I configure runtime properties (e.g. upload directory)? Read this article and get points!

by Alberto Molinaroli
7,234 views Published on Oct 24, 2011
Applies to: All versions

WebRatio provides some properties that define the information regarding the runtime of your web application. file is the properties file where you can configure your preferences. The file contains information that control your work directory where the applic...

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How can I use JNDI in my application server? Read this article and get points!

by Michela Frigerio
11,166 views Published on Oct 24, 2011
Applies to: All versions

The Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) is an API for directory service that allows clients to discover and lookup data and objects via a name. Like all Java APIs that interface with host systems, JNDI is independent of the underlying implementation. Additionally, it specifies a service provi...

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How to debug the code of a custom unit inside the Web application Read this article and get points!

by Laura Cigardi
9,488 views Published on Oct 24, 2011
Applies to: All versions

Thanks to the WebRatio integration in the Eclipse environment, it's possible to easily debug a Web application without leaving the tool. Usually, debugging a WebRatio generated web application means testing the custom units that have been developed for your specific Web project. The Eclipse Debug...

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How to implement a custom database Metadata provider Read this article and get points!

by Michela Frigerio
16,326 views Published on Oct 24, 2011
Applies to: All versions

WebRatio support all the databases that are supported by Hibernate. Nevertheless, the list of the database types that you have at disposal when creating a new database connection does not contain the full list, but it proposes the most used. Therefore WebRatio gives you the chance to integrate a new...

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How to quickly synchronize BPM to Web Project Read this article and get points!

by Michela Frigerio
2,206 views Published on Oct 24, 2011
Applies to: 6.0 or higher

WebRatio lets you model your own business processes and obtain a prototype of the resulting Web application. But what about creating a professional Web application implementing your processes? You can start from the proposed prototype and evolve it until you obtain the final solution. What you need ...

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WebRatio Variables Read this article and get points!

by Alberto Molinaroli
8,737 views Published on Oct 24, 2011
Applies to: All versions

The WebRatio variables allow to configure the folder in which the Web Application of a Web Project will be generated when one of the following commands is used: Generate Full Web Project, Generate Selection, Generate Logic Descriptor Only, Generate Layout Pages Only. This articles describe which are...

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Deployment Configurations and Cloud Deploy Read this article and get points!

by Mario Bruno
12,198 views Published on Jan 21, 2013
Applies to: 7.0 or higher

The deploy functionality is related to the process of installing your Web Application on a local/remote machine, or even in the cloud. Deployment is configured in WebRatio through the Deploy Configurations dialog which allows you to specify all the deploy settings (e.g. the application to dep...

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