Twitter unit problem

08 Mar '13, 10:39 AM
Forum Forum Starter - Level 1


I'm new to webratio and I need to do a project using the Twitter unit. I installed it from the store together with the social unit and I tried to run the example that came with the unit but it gave me an error. So I registered an app on the Twitter developer site and added my api keys to the data provider but this is what i get.

An error occurred
Authorization failed (server replied with a 401). This can happen if the consumer key was not correct or the signatures did not match.
Occurred on:

slu1 [SocialLoginUnitService]


[slu1] Unable to compute the authorization url
Unable to compute the OAuth URL
Authorization failed (server replied with a 401). This can happen if the consumer key was not correct or the signatures did not match.

I tryed with lots of combination of the four key I have, but what sounds strange is that there are just two space for secret key and public key in the unit, while I have four keys.

Sorry for my bad english and thanks in advance for any help.


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Forum Starter - Level 1

Solved...I don't know exactly how, just played with api keys and settings.

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