Custom descriptors

03 Jan '13, 01:27 PM
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Hello again,

I have found some problems while devoloping my application and lots of them were because of custom descriptors.

First of all, I checked the box of Custom descriptor in a page and from then all new units I used in it were not visible in the page from the browser. The only solution I found was deleting the page and doing it again. Even unchecking the box, it always said that it was not using the descriptor as a warning and did not work.

Another problem was with some units that seemed to fail on execution and I had the same warning of not using an existing descriptor. Sometimes it is because of the name I use. I supose I used somewhere the same name and checked de box or something like that. I created it again with a new name and I had no problem.

There's any way to solution this kind of problem? Maybe deleting some file?

Thanks for the answers and for your patience!

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You are experiencing those erratic behaviors because custom descriptors are still being applied. After unchecking the Custom Descriptor property, you should also delete from the WebContent/WEB-INF/descr folder of your project the .descr file matching the Id of your page.

For example, if you are disabling custom descriptor of Page page123, be sure to delete WebContent/WEB-INF/descr/page123.descr. If you are not using custom descriptor anywhere, you may safely delete the entire WebContent/WEB-INF/descr folder.

What are Custom Descriptors

Descriptor files, found in the WEB-INF/descr folder of the generated application, contain the logic that drives an application at runtime. Normally, WebRatio automatically generates those files from your model.

By enabling Custom Descriptors your are beasically taking charge of "generating" those files manually. This is a rather hacky feature that should be needed only in rare circumstances.

The WebContent folder of Web Projects is used to specify a set of files and folders that are copied over the generated application. When first enabling custom descriptors, the customized and "frozen" descriptor file was subsequently being copied over, blocking any automatic update by WebRatio. This is exactly what the warnings were telling you about and the reason you has to manually delete the descr file(s).

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