Conditional Expression "greater than 0" on null fields

01 Oct '14, 04:57 PM
Forum Forum Starter - Level 3

Hi everyone,
I have a Volatile (Sessione Scope) Entity E; it has a key Field K and a float attribute A. It is filled with some records, and I want to extract all records for which A > 0.
To do so, I defined a Selector Unit and a Conditional Expression in field A, predicate Greater-Than, value 0.

It seems not to work properly: records in which A is null are returned as well.
I had to add a further condition on the same field A, predicate Is-Not-Blank (or, Is-Not-Null). So it works but it looks like a workaround not a clean modeling.

Someone noticed or can confirm this behaviour?

Tks in advance

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Forum Expert - Level 5

Hi Ettore,
what is the version of WebRatio that you use? 
I have test your case that you have explained, with the last release of WebRatio 7.2.6 and the Conditional Expression seems work correctly by deleting the records in which A is null.

Best regards,
Ombretta Malinverno 

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Forum Starter - Level 3

Hi Ombretta,
thanks for your reply. I have a WR 7.62. Actually, in a simple project I made for test, you're right: it works. In my project, surprisingly, it does not.
After a Selector with a Conditional Expression "imponibile" - Greater than - 0, I added a Script Unit to log the selected records, and this is an excerpt from the log file:
 0) Iva: FC  imponibile: null
 1) Iva: null  imponibile: 208.0
 2) Iva: NOI  imponibile: 10000.0
 3) Iva: null  imponibile: 400.0
 4) Iva: ES  imponibile: 100.0
The first record is not expected.
The only difference with the test project is that the "imponibile" field is not really float, but a subtype of float. I did the same in the test project, and it still works fine.
Thus, WebRatio seems to be ok, and something else is wrong in my project. By now, the best is to add a second Condition Expression as a workaround. I'll let you know if I should ever understand what is going wrong.


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