I'm currently working with twitter unit and would like to get the geo location of twitts(if they have it).
As I understood currently there is no output like this in twitter unit, so I tried to find out how to get it, as I understood twitter unit working with twitter4j library, this library supports get request for location (.getPlace). So I tried to add it to twitter unit, I added in TwitterTwitt.java next lines
private Place place;
public TwitterTweet(Status tweet) {
this.place = tweet.getPlace();
public TwitterTweet(String statusId, String userId, String user, String text, Place place, GregorianCalendar createAt) {
public Place getPlace() {
return place;
and after that I also added new line of output into output.template
and now when I'm trying to get information from twitter unit (getTweetDetailsByID) and using twitt id which contains geo location it still doesn't show information about "place".
Do you know what can be a problem?
Thank you!