Image in pdf without knowing the size

08 Sep '11, 06:09 PM
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How can I put images in a PDF with Jasper report when I don't know the size? If the image is too small, there is white space. If the image is too large, it's cropped.


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Jasper Report needs to know the dimension of the image when you are preparing the layout. This means that you have to choose a predefined dimension and then you have to scale all the uploaded images to that dimension, so that they will be rendered properly by the report.

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google brings me here. thx for the solution here.atually ,I shall scale all the uploaded images to required dimension, everything is ok now.

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i think you can google imaging sdk and you will find many useful tools, or google how to scale images to get instructive articles. i have years of experience in processing images so i can give you some advices. i am using an imaging sdk which can scale images in c# and other formats ,you can have a try.

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