I've just modelled an application to manage students and courses and it also has a login page defined as home. The pages for adding students and courses are protected and I've also enabled the Webratio admin area. I also need to mention that am using the default user-group-module as generated by Webratio. I have also created 2 users and several groups, but I don't yet know how to define modules (I assume if the admin area is enabled, these will be registered for me automatically). My question/challenge is this: When I generate the application, and I try to login with one of the users already in the database, the application resets the form and does not redirect me to the protected areas. And if I explicitly put a OK flow from the login action to the protected page(s), the application offers me yet another login form (which even if I fill with the registered username and password), also gets reset and never redirects me to the protected pages. What am I doing wrong?